While it is adorable to have cats like Persians and Ragdolls because of their thick luscious coats, there are some cat owners that prefer something a little different. Nowadays, few cat owners prefer to have the “naked” cat breeds like the Sphinx. This may be due to the rarity of these breeds or the less amount of time you will spend grooming them.
But how much does a Sphinx cat and other hairless cat breeds cost?
Sphinx Cat do cost a lot. Sphinx kittens, in particular, go for around $1300 to $1600.
Although hairless cat breeds are less popular than their counterparts with thick hairs, they are very unique hence very beautiful to look at. This is why they are likely to cost more as compared to their pricey counterparts.
Before you go for one, you should ask yourself, “How much does a Sphinx cat and other hairless cat breeds cost?”
What is so unique about Sphinx and other hairless cat breeds?
There are several hairless cat breeds you can choose from.
However, one of the most popular hairless cat breeds is the Sphinx.
Although the Sphinx cats do not have any fur, they have a thin layer of short fine hair covering their bodies. Don’t be worried if they normally feel cold or not, they have mechanisms put in place to handle such issues.
There are several hairless cat breeds
Sphinx cats are very good as pets since they are incredibly loving and will always greet you at the door whenever you come home from chasing the dollars. Actually, these cats have everything that you could ever desire in a feline; the only thing missing is their hair, which makes them to be very unique and beautiful. If they had the capacity, I think they would have helped you in looking for money.
The number of cat owners that would like to have hairless cats is increasing day by day.
Everything You Need to Know About the Sphinx Cats and Their Hairless Companions
Taking Care of Them
Sphinx cats and other hairless cat breeds usually need a lot of grooming as compared to their fuzzy counterparts.
“Wait!” You say. “What do you mean?
It’s hairless so it should not require a lot of grooming!”
Well, you will need to groom your Sphinx at least once in a week.
This is because since your cat is hairless, she does not have enough fur on her skin to absorb the oil that her skin usually secretes. When she licks itself, her saliva will be leaving some oil on her skin. This will leave her skin sticky from the seat, oil and spit. You should think of your hairless cat in the same way as you would think of a baby.
Bathing Them
Sphinx cats and other hairless cat breeds usually require to be bathed at least once in a week.
However, when bathing them, ensure that you do it in a medicated pet shampoo.
This is to ensure that any bacteria on their bodies are killed during the bath.
However, you should also be careful not to bathe your hairless friend too much. This is because over bathing her may dry out her skin and make it prone to infections. Too much bathing can also deplete her skin of its natural bacteria that helps to protect the skin from infections.
Ear Cleaning
Since Sphinx cats are hairless cats, they don’t have hair everywhere, including in their ear canals.
However, by having hairless ear canals then it means that dirt and debris can easily collect in the ears of these cats. Sphinx cats also produce copious amounts of earwax that can easily build up and block their ear canals. These hairless cats, therefore, require regular ear cleaning.
You can be doing this when relaxing with your cat on the couch as you watch TV.
It is important to set your cat in the mood to have earwax removed from her ears so as to avoid a conflict between the two of you. Let her feel like you are not forcing her to have the earwax removed.
When it comes to their temperament, hairless cat breeds are usually among the most loving cats to have around. This is especially true for Sphinx cats.
They are the types of cats that will sleep on your lap while you are watching your TV. They will also readily snuggle up with you at night. They are therefore good with the kids and are very easy going.
However, the flipside of their friendly and easy-going nature is that they usually require companionship.
Sphinx cats, in particular, do not like being left alone. They usually have a desperate need for your attention. You should therefore only get one if you are ready to return all the affection and love that the cat will readily give you.
If you are always busy and usually away from home for longer periods, then I don’t think if a Sphinx cat is the right one for you since you are definitely going to break her heart. If you are a busy person and would still love to own a Sphinx, then you should consider getting two so that they can offer companionship to one another while you are away.
The Need for Heat
They will tend to sleep in warm places like under the covers or under the radiator
Well, since hairless cats do not have any fur covering their bodies, it is like they are naked. Therefore, if you own one, you will have to ensure that your hairless Angeli cat is warm all the time.
Because Sphinx cats usually need to be warm all the time, they will tend to sleep in warm places like under the covers or under the radiator.
You will either need to be leaving the heater on for her, or you may need to buy a heated cat igloo for her. You can also make sure that your cat has a warm bed.
You should also be worried about the high electricity bills you will incur to keep your cat warm.
How much it Costs to Have a Sphinx or Other Hairless Breeds
After getting to know all that information regarding these cats, how much does a Sphinx cat and other hairless cat breeds cost? Well, they do cost a lot.
Sphinx Cat do cost a lot. Sphinx kittens, in particular, go for around $1300 to $1600.
But why are these hairless cat breeds so expensive?
The main reason why hairless cat breeds like the Sphinx cost a lot of money is because of the cost of breeding them. The expenses involved in breeding them are very high, making their costs also to be high. These expenses can be broken down into maintenance costs, the cost of blood tests and HCM heart scans and veterinary care.
Other hairless cat breeds include the Bambino, the Donskoy, the Ukranian Levkoy, and the Peterbald. These hairless cats are also expensive as compared to normal fuzzy cats. They cost between around $800 to $1500.
Sphinx Cat Cost Summary
Sphinx Cat do cost a lot. Sphinx kittens, in particular, go for around $1300 to $1600.
There you have it on how much a Sphinx cat and other hairless cat breeds cost.
We hope that we have not only answered your question on “How much does a Sphinx cat and other hairless cat breeds cost” but have also enabled you to know important details about these unique cats.
We, therefore, encourage you to go ahead and get yourself one of these hairless pussycats. Your family will definitely love to have a hairless feline around.
Do you have any comment on how much does a Sphinx cat and other hairless cat breeds cost?
Let us know in the comment section below.