It is very normal to have animal’s poop. Excretion is part of animals’ lives, cats inclusive. My cat is normally very shy when pooping and doesn’t like being seen by anyone. But how long can a cat go without pooping? This is an important issue to look into whether you have a new kitten or a relatively old cat.
The rule of thumb insists on at least a poop a day. Therefore, you should take action if your cat doesn’t poop in a couple of days
Pooping in cats can be used to understand the cat’s health. Nobody likes to clean the cat poop from the litter every time.
But do you know that if your cat poops regularly, you are so lucky? It means that your feline friend has a healthy digestive system. This is a perfect example of a blessing in disguise. There are circumstances that your cat might take days before pooping.
What can cause this?
And what is the most recommended schedule that your cat should follow when pooping?
This comprehensive article answers these questions plus much more that are related to cats and their pooping.
What is the recommended pooping schedule for a healthy cat?
A healthy cat should have one or at most two bowel movements on a single day.
Some cats can, however, do it less or more than this. It is however important that you keep a close eye on the feline friend so that you understand her schedule.
If your little friend goes for days without pooping, then you should be a worried person.
What causes this condition?
How long can a cat go without pooping?
How can it be addressed?
These are some of the questions that might cross your mind.
What are the factors that affect the pooping schedule of cats?
What are the factors that affect the pooping schedule of cats
The issue of how many times a cat can poop is a crucial question that has no specific answer. There are factors that might be influential when it comes to this question. Some of them are as below:
- Age: Kittens excrete more often than the adult cats. Kittens’ cells are actively dividing due to growth. This together with the fact that they are so playful makes them require a lot of energy. The only way to get the extra energy is through extra feeding which means increased excretion as well.
- Amount of exercise: Is your cat the playful type or the one that sleeps a lot? Regular exercise increases body metabolism ensuring there is proper digestion of food. If your cat spends most of her time sleeping, she might develop serious digestive problems. Find a way of enticing your cat to play with you so that she can exercise in the process and keep healthy.
- The quantity of food: The amount of food you give to your feline friend in a way affects how she poops. Too much food means she will poop more often. I’m sure you won’t like the amount of poop that she lets out after feeding her on too much food. You will just be seeing artificial “poop” mountains in her litter.
- Medical conditions: Hyperthyroidism, inflammatory bowel, kidney conditions, parasite infestation among others can also affect how a cat poops. How long can a cat go without pooping under such medical conditions? This is a question that has no fixed response, but veterinarians are in a better place to tackle this.
- Medication/Supplements- If a cat is under medication or supplements, it can have a direct impact on the motility of their guts, therefore, affecting the digestive process. The result is seen on how often she lets out a poop.
Constipation in cats
Constipation is the biggest contributor to cats taking long to poop.
Kittens should have numerous bowel movements in a day whereas adult cats should have an average of a single bowel each day. In case of constipation, the stool becomes larger and harder in the colon.
It is something not to be worried about if it happens just once in a while. But if becomes consistent then you have all the reasons to be worried about your feline friend. She is likely to get stressed at the chance to poop. How will she feel when she doesn’t poop as her friends?
How long can a cat go without pooping when constipated? Constipation is largely caused by the type of food the cat eats. Other causes of constipation in cats are:
- Over-grooming is leading to excess hair in the cat’s digestive tract. Fur contributes towards slow transit of waste when they get lodged at the colon.
- Problems with the kidney lead to water wastage in the body making the cat lose more water through frequent urination.
- Tumors and narrow colon slow down the process of getting wastes out of the colon.
- Obstruction of the colon by bones
- Spinal injuries
- Fiber-less diets
- Dehydration as a result of intake of food with less moisture content and general lack of water.
Seek advice from the vet in case of abnormal constipation.
How to make your cat poop regularly?
How to make your cat poop regularly to understand how long she can go without pooping
Handling constipation depends on what caused it. This is where you need a vet to help with the diagnosis. The best treatment of any problem starts with knowing what caused it. With this in mind, you can comfortably use the available treatment options.
1. Proper medication
Medications such as laxatives and stool softeners are very important when it comes to treating constipation in cats. Foods with high fiber content such as Wellness CORE Grain-free Wet Canned Cat Food are important when it comes to enhancing the digestive tract of cats. Regularly provide such kind of foods as part of their meals.
2. Manual evacuation
Manual evacuation of the cat’s bowel is another way to ease advanced constipation. It is done through anesthetizing the cat’s colon. Do you understand this? You shouldn’t. A veterinarian does. It is their work.If the colon is dilated, leading to frequent constipation, then there is no choice but to have the cat undergo a surgical operation. Removal of the affected part will be the only way out. It appears painful, but it is done for the benefit of the cat.
3. Regular supply of water
Another way of preventing constipation is by ensuring that there is a constant supply of water for the cat. However picky the cat is, she will take some little of it. Given that we do not speak one language, at times it becomes difficult to gauge when the cat is dehydrated and needs some water. The best you can do is ensuring that there is always clean and safe water within her reach.
4. Exercise the cat
Encourage the cat to have regular physical exercises. Do not confine the cat to just eating and sleeping. At times I get mad at my cat when she just sleeps all day, so I literally chase her out of the house a few minutes after giving her food. It works well. It does not take long, and she is back to her litter box to relieve herself. She leaves that stinking “bomb” in there and stretches with a lot of relief. You might think that she just won a jackpot. She seems not to care about how am struggling to find breath in the presence of her poop. Could she be laughing at me because she just did what I wanted? I will have to look for a translator to help me here.
Important piece of advice
Please take note of the kind of poop that your cat produces. It is another important way of knowing how healthy your little friend is. She is healthy if the poop is deep brownish, not so tough and not so soft as well as not smelly. There are however cases where the nasty odor is just typical. I guess this is the category my cat falls.
How maintain your cats pooping schedule
How maintain your cats pooping schedule?
Here are some very crucial things you can do to help your cat maintain a normal pooping schedule:
- Increase exercise and play time for the cat
- Provide her with clean and safe water
High Fiber foods such as Wellness CORE Grain-Free Wet Canned cat Food should form part of the cat’s diet
How Cat Go Without Pooping Conclusion
Know your cat better How long can a cat go without pooping – Conclusion
How long can a cat go without pooping? This article has carefully tackled this question, and every cat owner should now have a rough idea of the whole issue. This is a question that varies from cat to cat leaving it with no specific answer.
Pooping in cats is as important as their feeding is. It should never be ignored at any given time. Just make sure that you tell your cat to use the cat air freshener after pooping so that her room can smell nice. The chemical reactions that normally happen in the stomachs of some cats result in a pungent smell that cannot be handled without air fresheners.
Do you have any questions that you need to be answered as concerns this article? Get to me through the comment section below.
SUMMARY – The rule of thumb insists on at least a poop a day. Therefore, you should take action if your cat doesn’t poop in a couple of days
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