This year is going to be a great year. Just like it has always been, there are things that you need to accomplish this coming year. Your feline friend has not been left behind; unless you rank her so down when it comes to your family matters.
The New Year’s resolutions for you and your lovely cat will surely shape the type of relationship you will have in the house. Let everything that forms part of your world feel that you really care about them. And I am very certain that your cat is very important to you.
It is therefore very important that you have a roundtable discussion with your cat so that you can reach an agreement about some of these New Year issues. They are all geared towards the wellbeing and success of both of you.
Otherwise, these resolutions will just be some other writings on a piece of paper. I know you and your cat are already in a celebratory mood.
Why should we not get into the real issue straightway?
For the respect of the time of the year we are in, let’s just do that.
The top 10 New Year’s Resolutions for you and Your Cat
1. Exercise More with your Cat
Top of your agenda should be how to lose those extra pounds that you have added especially after the feasting you have had towards the end of year.
Remember you have been doing the feasting together with your furry friend.
Why then should you leave her behind when it comes to matters to do with fitness?
She might need to be bigger because of the prestige and respect that you earn with such sizes. But again, the size comes with its so many demerits. Make it a promise between the two of you that exercise is going to be a must thing this New Year.
All you need to do is provide your cat with toys that she can play with to keep her fit.
2. Eat Healthily with your Cat
We have been eating without considering the health aspects of what we take in. Have you been in the same situation that I have found myself in together with my cat?
Let’s not carry this dangerous habit into the next year.
Make it a resolution between you and your cat to eat the foods that you love but at the same time consider making healthy substitutions for your diets.
Your cat can get annoyed at some of these changes but again, do you really need to be worried about this? After all, she is not the one who reads the nutrition labels of the food.
Unless she can do that herself, then you can reconsider your position just a little bit.
3. Make new friends with your Cat
My cat and I made so many friends this year.
And we are not planning to stop at that. We want to expand our kingdoms. That is only possible if we can make some friends. You and your cat are not left behind either. It is through friends that you can learn new stuff. You are the only person who can make an important judgment on what is good and what is bad of the new ideas your cat can get from the friends.
It is important that you take charge, otherwise your cat might end up with some lovers of the bottle (drinkers) and coming home late will be her thing. Help her in choosing her friends.
4. Being responsible with your Cat
Responsibility is very important in a family. It does not stop at you. Any living being must take up do their parts to ensure that you all stay in a peaceful environment. Why would you have to repair or replace your furniture so often?
Your furry friend must not take you down the poverty route as you watch. Make it a resolution that no more scratching must be done on the furniture.
This is only possible if you feel concerned about your feline friend and you have provided her with a scratching post. This calls for responsibility between the two of you. Where else would you expect your cat to scratch herself if an alternative is not provided? You should come to an agreement with your cat that both of you should be more responsible this year round; this is because irresponsibility will do enough damage in that house.
Most of these damages will be among the causes of the next world war between you and your cat.
5. More Loving with your Cat
Love is one important thing that can never be wished away. Be it between the cats themselves, amongst humans or even between the cats and humans. I have watched my cat pick so many unnecessary fights that I do not want to be part of this New Year.
Make it a resolution that there is going to be more love and less of hate in the new year.
Love does not cost a thing. I want to teach her how to purr more and at the same time be affectionate to every member of the family. These cats are just more or less the same; I know you might be experiencing the same problem.
6. Make physical examination with your Cat a routine
There are some ailments that we cannot identify on our own. And remember your cat’s health is all on you. And being that you are not a veterinarian, making regular visits to a veterinary officer is a good step towards ensuring that your cat lives a healthy and long life.
You are no exception as well.
You also need to add your physician to your friend’s list this year. There are health-related issues that might affect both of you at the same time.
Making physical examinations is one of those ways to prevent health complications to you and your cat.
7. Proper Cat Grooming
Nice looks are everyone’s desires.
As you strive to make yourself look presentable, it is also advisable that your feline friend look the same. If I meet you along the streets smartly dressed and decide to accompany you home only to meet your cat with a very rough look, then you should bear all the blames.
But your cat should also learn to remain neat at all times.
You will not like to be subjected to embarrassments now and then. However much you are tasked with the responsibility of ensuring that she is well groomed, you won’t be around her every time to ensure she maintains the neatness that is desired. You need to instill some level of discipline in her.
Above all, make it a resolution that the coming year is about proper cat grooming, nothing more or less.
8. Maintain high hygiene standards
Maintain high hygiene standards
I am tired of meeting my cat’s poops and urine anywhere in the house. It is very annoying especially when you come home with a visitor only to be met by such right at the door. And to make it worse, there is a litter box meant for such in the house.
Does your furry friend have the same habit? Or is it only my cat that is so persistent in making my life difficult? It has reached that point that we need to make a final agreement on this. A resolution has to be made before we make it to the New Year. We shall also sign a deal regarding my cat’s habit of spraying urine everywhere in the house whenever I have wronged her.
9. Making good use of technology
Making good use of technology
Cats are taking over the internet. Why should yours be left behind? Why don’t you create her accounts on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook among others? With that, you can upload her videos and photos for the world to see. I shall make an agreement with my cat to be taking “selfies” together after every two weeks. We shall both upload these “selfie pictures” on our social media accounts to show the world our love.Who doesn’t want his or her cat to be recognized worldwide? I don’t think there is any. And by the way, do you know that these videos and photos can be very useful if you have to trace your missing cat.
10. Be happier with
Happiness is a choice. It is either you choose to be happy or not. You have to focus on leading a joyful life. By appreciating the world around you, you are most likely to have one of those peaceful moments of your life this year.
You can do the same to your feline friend. Simple things such as stroking the soft space that is always between the ears will make your cat so happy. Let everything you purchase at home have some relationship with the cat. With this, the cat will have known how valued she is.
Let her also make your work simple because that is the only way both of you will enjoy the New Year. Cultivate the culture of happiness between you and your cat this New Year. Support your cat in everything she does as long as it is something not harmful to both your lives.For example, you cannot allow her to be smuggling weapons into your house and do nothing simply because you want her to be happy. You must keep and maintain good morals and behaviors accepted in both the human and cat societies.
I know you have probably made some New Year’s resolutions for you and your lovely cat just as you have always done previously. The only problem you have always had is how to fulfill these resolutions. Let me hope this will not be the case this time around. Are there resolutions in this article that you want to consider? Is there any other that you have made but has not been featured herein? Share your insights in the comment section.